Let's Geog

Geography is always on the move, so let's catch up with it!

Hello fellow geoggers! On Thursday the third of April I went on my last ever geographical trip with Knutsford Academy (I pause whilst I reflect on the fact that I just went on my last ever geographical trip with Knutsford academy…) to the welsh coastal…

How far ’till Aberffraw?



Hello fellow geoggers! For today’s post I will be talking about a hazard that has inspired legends, mythology and blockbuster films starring Piers Brosnan and Tommy Lee Jones; the Volcano. But what actually is a volcano other than a huge rock that shoots lava out…

Go with the pyroclastic flow



Hello fellow geoggers! Sometimes there are moments in your life where, due to some early planning, you can get away with not doing so much work now because of doing the work months before, and this happened for me and my friend Sam just last…

Geographical skills lead to tills…



Hello fellow geoggers! I was looking online for any latest geographically related news and I came across this article on the guardian website. Now, I don’t usually do this, but rather then just making a link and letting you guys check it out for yourselves,…

Iapetus has fallen…

Hello fellow geoggers! If you were asked to name one key social topic that you always end up researching in your geography lessons (from age 11 onwards) then you would probably say China’s One Child Policy. That topic seems to keep popping up during my…

Got one, get another free



Hello fellow geoggers! Happy New Year! Sorry that it’s been a while since my last post but as most of you know when the holidays come around, most people (mainly pointing at myself) go into, what I like to call, a ‘work hibernation’, where any…

“Hi how are you? Isn’t the weather great?”

Hello fellow geoggers! Time for the 4th instalment of ‘attempting your questions’, and this question was asked by Rawclyde! (Who has a terrific blog that you can check out here): ‘How well do you think NATO and the US are doing in Afghanistan? I think…

Attempting your questions #4



Hello fellow geoggers! In ‘money makes the world go ’round…’ I mentioned that that one of the topics that I’m currently studying is development and inequalities, and recently one question keeps coming up; is the development gap widening or narrowing? To be able to shed…

Mind the gap



Hello fellow geoggers! What does the wizard of oz, an ice cream lolly and a board game have in common? No idea? Well I can tell you that the answer is ‘Twister’, and like bush fires, it’s something that I know of, but ask me…

Twister and shout



Hello fellow geoggers! Last Friday I went back into the studio part of the Royal Exchange Theatre to watch one of my small plays. Although I actually wouldn’t really say that I watched it, more like I listened to it. I say this because it…

24 hours in the dark… ( kind of )